The Odos app is a new development of Odos. Children, parents and group leaders can download the app free of charge.
How to download the app (all cell phones except iphone):
Go to Playstore
Search: Odos
Click on Odos: Developer Team (The icon is a globe with small human figures on it)
Install the Odos - App
How to download the app on an iphone:
Enter this link on your Apple iphone web browser:
Follow the instructions and download the app.
What is on offer in the Odos app?
Quiz: Each lesson has questions you can answer to see how well you know the story.
Cards: All the cards can be seen on the app.
Family fun: Each lesson has fun activities parents can do with their children every week.
360° videos: The Odos-team took 360° videos in Israel of many of the places mentioned in the Bible. Have a look every week to see if the week's lesson has a video available. See what the places look like where Jesus and many other people left their footprints. ( If you use an iphone you can still watch the videos, but it won't be displayed as 360°.)
Group leaders: Here you will find the training and extra lessons for group leaders.
Contact us: If you have any questions please call or email us. We'd love to help!!!
Share: You can share the app with all your friends.
Fan Wall: Tell us every now and again what you liked about a lesson or if you learned something for the first time.
Facebook: Please visit our facebook page regularly.
Notice: You will often notice a small envelope in the upper left hand corner. Please open it, because we often send special messages about special lessons.